Good day internet you exciting thing you with so much information to give. Do you mind if I add some more information ? no ... ? great well here is what I have learned from you.
Good day. I am Micholl and I will be adding my information what I have learned regarding Mikrotik routers to the internet. So where did it all start ?
First Mikrotik product I owned was a RB433. The first one I bought in 2008 for our city's WUG (Wireless user group). This allowed me to connect to my any users for chatting and file sharing but I had no idea how it worked or what was what on the board. I was not fascinated much in the inner working of the network at that time but as soon as we started with courses at university (CCNA) my mind stuck on networking. I enjoyed the CCNA course a lot but due to lack of knowledge I ignored the mikrotik router. I started helping out with the WUG and started learning basic routing and how wireless works. The CCNA course fueled my passion for networks.
My next step was setting up a LAN setup between me and my friend, and after several days of studying how I would go about this, several posts about MPLS popped up. I was confused and looked at the configs the people posted and still didn't understand the concept . But hey the configs worked and we had a working LAN connection between the two of us. Later I added a another friend but due to my lack of knowledge I had the bridge port as disabled. Confused and alone I didn't know what to do haha. So the basic idea was to make one a EOIP tunnel and the other one the the MPLS tunnel. It worked :! . I later found out how a MPLS/VPLS tunnel works and presto a much better solution.
But that is how we learn. Step by step. making a fault learning from it and moving on.
So this year (2013) I started working for a telecoms company in South Africa and got my second ADSL line. This lead me to research PCQ from mikrotik to "bond" my two ADSL lines and this led me to where I am today. Exploring and learning. This is what this blog is about. I hope I will help someone somewhere to enhance their internet connection and share it among multiple people. I have enough bandwidth but love how it balances the traffic between the clients and services. Quite amazing actually. Enjoy my blog and I really do hope it helps you in some way. Whenever I learn something new I will update it here.
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